Links I Love This Week

Happy Monday, folks! How many of you binged on Thanksgiving delights for like 4 days straight? Let me know I'm not alone in the comments, haha!  Here are some links I wanted to share with you that are great to check out and get you back in the swing of things.

Is your content strategy a toddler or all grown up? This is a good read to help you find out.

Altimeter Study: How To Know When You Have a Mature Content Operation (Contently)

Creative ways for brainstorming that are actually more beneficial for creatives. Go figure! Must-read. 

10 Creative Exercises That Are Better Than Brainstorming (Hubspot)

If you have an app or any type of service that collects data, here is how to use that data to drive your storytelling in a strategic way. I ain't mad at it. 

Why Data Is The Real MVP: 7 Examples of Data-Driven Storytelling by Leading Brands (Hubspot)

Do not let being introverted stop you from being the boss babe or boss man that you are.  Great article from Polyvore founder, Jess Lee.

How To Lead As An Introvert (Quartz)

Get re-inspired by the "Future VOICES" of the fashion world. 

Meet Fashion's Future Voices (Business of Fashion)